When People No Longer Belong In Your Life.

When People No Longer Belong In Your Life.

Hi, everyone.

There are people you no longer need in your life. They are not bad people. They haven’t offended, hurt or betrayed you. But they no longer belong in your life.

People do not need to have done something bad to you for them to no longer belong in your life. Sometimes, very good people no longer belong with you on your journey and taking them along will cause you more problems than good. You may be moving in a totally different direction with your life and they no longer belong with you on your journey.

They may have served their purpose in your life. You may have outgrown them. Taking them along with you on your journey is like a ship dropping its anchor but expecting to move on. You will become stagnant and stuck in the past.

Let the wrong people go and take on only the right people with you on your journey. And you don’t have to explain why you have to relegate them to the past. Just focus on the new relationships in your life, the relationships which are relevant for your new season, and the energy from the new will make the old fade away. This is the secret to success.

You will be fine.

Praise George

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